July Newsletter - Wellbeing

July Newsletter - Wellbeing

Employers' responsibilities for managing workplace stress

Much like any other health and safety concern, the management of workplace stress falls under the responsibility of both the individual and the employer. Without collective awareness and team effort, managing stress within a workforce is a difficult task.
It’s only when employers and staff work together that workplace stress becomes manageable, instead of a slippery slope which could lead to extended periods of absence from the workplace, or perhaps worse in extreme cases.

Click here to read Employers' responsibilities for managing workplace stress.

Work better together with a 'Manual of Me'

The 'Manual of Me' concept is an idea which aims to help managers and leaders really get the most out of their people.
The manual aims to empower workers and give teams the confidence to be able to work together in a considerate way which celebrates diversity and difference, enabling teams to work better together.

Click here to read Work better together with a 'Manual of Me'.

What the Carer's Leave Act means for employers

The Carer’s Leave Act will soon become law and will impact employers and their teams up and down the country.
The Act hopes to secure new employment rights for individuals who have home caring responsibilities and whom currently juggle caring with the responsibilities of their employment.

Click here to read What the Carer's Leave Act means for employers.