How the Autumn Statement Impacts Businesses | Informed Newsletter November Issue

How the Autumn Statement Impacts Businesses | Informed Newsletter November Issue

How the Autumn Statement impacts businesses

Today’s Autumn Statement, led by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, indicates how parliament proposes to balance the UK’s economy with their medium-term fiscal plan.

Business owners across the country will be impacted by some of the announcements made in today’s statement, in the way businesses are taxed, and the costs of goods they purchase. To find out more about the changes announced earlier this afternoon, click the link below.

Click here to read How the Autumn Statement impacts businesses.

Do I need a TV licence to watch the World Cup at work?

The Men’s 2022 FIFA World Cup kicks off in Qatar later this week. Due to the time difference between the UK and Qatar, many of the games will be played during office hours.

Workplaces wanting to stream the games must ensure they are covered by a valid TV licence in order to avoid potential penalties or fines.

Click here to read Do I need a TV licence to watch the World Cup at work?.

The pros and cons of moving to a four-day working week

In the UK, there's been a lot of discussion about moving to a 4-day working week, with a number of UK organisations now participating in the world’s biggest trial.

The trial is a co-ordinated 6-month pilot for a 4-day working week, with no loss of pay for employees. 

Click here to read The pros and cons of moving to a four-day working week.