$!{Contact.INDIVIDUAL1TITLE} $!{Contact.INDIVIDUAL1SURNAME}, wishing you a Merry Christmas and healthy 2022!

$!{Contact.INDIVIDUAL1TITLE} $!{Contact.INDIVIDUAL1SURNAME}, wishing you a Merry Christmas and healthy 2022!

Are you ready for the festive season?

For many businesses, Christmas is the most important time of the year. As customers celebrate the season, they splash out for family get-togethers, luxury foods, gifts and treats.
However, the pandemic has changed many customer habits and Christmas traditions over the past couple of years. This year, leading up to the celebrations, new guidelines have been released due to the new Omicron variant. So, are you ready for Christmas this year?
To ensure your business is well-equipped to maximise the opportunities the festive season brings, take a look at our business checklist.

Click here to read Are you ready for the festive season?.

2022 key dates to help you plan your marketing activities

As we're coming to the end of 2021, COVID-19 is still present and has changed the shopping habits of our customers, who have increased online shopping to minimise their risk. 
Hopefully, 2022 should provide businesses with more opportunities to boost sales on the high street or online. Therefore, in this year’s retail calendar we have compiled a list of important dates including national celebratory days, annual events, key holidays, and other events. 
Use this calendar to aid planning relevant campaigns in 2022 and make the most of these seasonal events to help boost your sales.

Click here to read 2022 key dates to help you plan your marketing activities.

Prepare your business for winter weather

So far the weather has been mild for this time of year, excluding the recent storms. However, it's likely we will get colder weather in the coming weeks which bring frost, ice and snow.
To help minimise the risks winter weather can have on your business and vehicles, look through our useful guides:

Click here to read Prepare your business for winter weather.

Warmest wishes for this festive season

It's been another long, difficult year for many businesses dealing with lockdowns, restrictions and operating with secure measures throughout the pandemic. 
As the year comes to an end, we hope you take the time to reflect on some of the positives as well as the challenges you've come through. 
Our employees are lucky to be taking a short break to spend time with family and friends. We hope you can do the same. We've created a short video to wish you all a safe and healthy 2022!

Click here to read Warmest wishes for this festive season.